In the google translator, if you use Igbo\Maori\Somali, Greek, Khmer, French, as a language to write, and english as the language of translation, you get some scary ass results. Here there's a list of those i saw. People have related those with Human trafficking! (Replace "clothing" and "garment" etc. With "People","Humans". Sometimes there are sentences that might have commas) This is only made of interest of how many odd results google translate might give out, i do not believe in the conspiracy! Feel free to interprit those as you wont, my commentary is purrely subjective! Number 1. Igbo had been spirits (Doesn't make sense, but i left this in :)) does not matter 3.look at you (Legit got scared!) 4.look at the money 5.And had wowo shows (one of the "OWOWO"'s wasn't translated) flow (Their slang i guess) 7.costume (Replace with a synonym of "Human") man had uwu (Uwu wasn't translated \_(#-#)_/)'s clothes (Not creepy, but could be fuckin anything tbh...) 10.goat's clothing (kinda funny) 11.uwu the police had (Their slang is cracking up) 12.uwu man had his clothes 13.uwu the rest the rest of eo (???) 15.LW (lowercase get's uppercased) 16.low cost clothes (originally was:"owo uwu low",also replace "clothes" with "people" and you'll get why users were scared) 17.low recruiting (i'll start removing the "UWU"'s by now) 18.The man was (originally was:"owo was le l") can (originally was:"owo was le ") clothes money (originally was the famous "owo uwu owo" that was translated to "Human trafficking") man had been mean 22.the man had showed 23.the man had showed recruiting 24.had mean illustration 25.had mean illustration building (Gibberish!) 26.the man has had shows examples built 27.the man has had shows examples built whore 28.the man has had shows examples built udder (No progress...) 29.the man has had shows examples built by reducing the number of low (It was "owo owo ow wo uw wu wo oda" and then i just typed in "Low"!) 30.lack of money 31.and recruiting (We can actually put number 30 and 31 togheter, i just aded 2 extra leters, i'am starting to get hints) 32.Your money is wasted 33.your money is yours 34.Your money is gone (originally was: "owo owo ew we e wwa") 35.We are looking for money 36.We are looking for low prices ( it was "owo owo ew we e wwa we" and tehn i added "low") 37.The money is gone and the clothes are gone ("owo owo ew we e wwa we" + "uwu", we can replace "clothes" with a synonym of the word "human" once again. 38.I wash my clothes and wash my clothes (Wow, i expected something more sinister) 39.The money was gone and the clothes were gone (It's learning past tence) laundering and laundry laundry 41.he washed his clothes and washed his clothes (Will someone on reddit help me decode this? Maybe??) 42.wash your clothes and wash your clothes 43.The money is gone, and so is the clothes (More literate than you think!) 44.and he was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and he was girded with a linen ephod 45.The price of a shirt is so low that it can't be worn 46.We wore white clothes and we wore black and white clothes (Nothing particulary creepy) 47.We wear low-cost weed 48.We don't wear any clothes, we don't wear any clothes, we don't wear any clothes (Somebody had paranoia) 49.We've got money We've got money We've got money (It repeats for 5 ore paragraphs in the translator) 50.We are looking for you. (I got kinda scared....) 51.We are looking for a job. 52.whore madness shows and woe recruiting 53.began building the rest had been recruiting 54.And had the rest 55.and had the rest of the whore ::::::::::::::::::I will update the document soon....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::